Michael Turner


Mike Turner is currently lecturing at Central Queensland University, Brisbane Campus, Australia. He received his Ph.D. in entrepreneurship and cross-cultural research from La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, in 2011. His research interests include the study of entrepreneurs in transition economies and third world environments, Business Communications in the age of advancing technologies and AI, and start-up businesses.

Dr. Turner has published articles in several peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, and the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. He is the co- author of the publication “Making Waves” published in Australia and to be launched in Vietnamese in October 2024, (Alpha Books).

His current research projects explore the interplay between emerging technologies and new approaches to studying entrepreneurs and their creative pursuits. Also, he is researching the development, viability, and success of technological advances on start-up ventures. In addition to academic life, Dr. Turner has worked in senior management roles in two of Australia’s largest companies and has managed his own consulting company. He expertly conducts seminars, and training, and has consulted to businesses, governments, and universities in Australia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, including such diverse subjects as business strategies, competitive forensic analysis, and capturing new markets. In addition, he mentors young entrepreneurs.

At Central Queensland University, Dr. Turner delivers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in, (among others), Entrepreneurship; Creativity and Innovation; Sustainable Business Practices; Management and Business Context; Human Resource Management; Effective Business Communications; and Think Big.

Email: m.v.turner@cqu.edu.au


  • Creativity and Innovation.
  • Business start ups.


  • PhD with distinction in 2011, Melbourne Australia