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Nguyễn Văn Phúc

PhD in Finance, Massey University’s School of Economics and Finance
Tel: 0812334869
Detailed profile

In addition to being a Ph.D. in Finace from Massey University’s School of Economics and Finance, Phuc Nguyen has the opportunity to serve as a reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals. Corporate finance, laws, sentiment, sustainable development and asset pricing are his areas of interest. Phuc Nguyen’s research found places in some international journals, including Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, International Review of Economics and Finance, Resources Policy, Evaluation Review, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Research in International Business and Finance, among others. Phuc Nguyen is also serving as a reviewer for International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Asian Business Economic Studies, International Finance, Research in International Business and Finance, Financial Innovation, among others.

Nguyễn Văn Phúc là Tiến sĩ ngành Tài chính Đại học Massey, New Zealand. Phúc Nguyễn đã từng đảm nhận vai trò giám đốc kỹ thuật cho một công ty start up về machine learning trực thuộc Sở khoa học công nghệ và là trưởng phòng tài chính của một công ty vật liệu xây dựng. Về mặt học thuật Phúc Nguyễn đã công bố 12 bài báo ISI/SCOPUS thuộc hạng ABDC-A/ABS-3/Q1. Hiện nay anh đang tham gia hai dự án cấp Bộ về việc xây dựng chỉ số tâm lý nhà đầu tư cho Ủy ban chứng khoán Việt Nam, đang nộp đề tài NAFOSTED về tiền điện tử trung ương. Về mặt giảng dạy thì Phúc Nguyễn có kinh nghiệm hơn 3 năm giảng dạy Tài chính bằng tiếng Anh cho các lớp Đại học và Thạc sĩ.

Professional activities:

  • Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
  • Evaluation Review
  • Research in International Business and Finance
  • International Journal of Social Economics
  • International Review of Financial Analysis
  • Financial Innovation
  • International Finance


  • Bachelor of Banking and Corporate Finance, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 2017
  • Special scholarship for the highest-ranking student in Master of Finance program, a joint between
    Massey University and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 2018
  • “Massey Business School International Study Award”, 2018
  • “Massey Business School International Study Award”, 2019
  • Graduated with Distinction, Master of Finance, Massey University, 2019
  • Institute of Finance Professionals New Zealand (INFINZ) Scholarship, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019
  • Massey Doctoral Scholarship (Full time), since 2020
  • Researcher Connect Programme for early career researchers (ERCs) funded by Newton Fund and
    British Council, 2023

Expertise report: “Vietnam Digital Currency: Business perspectives and policy implications” figures out That CBDC is and how Blockchain-based technology will be applied in International Trade through the International Conference on Vietnam Digital Currency & Blockchain-enabled Applications in International Trade, co-hosted by Friedrich Naumann Foundation Vietnam, University of Economics Hochiminh City, and Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.

Ministrial-level research project: Ministry of Education and Training- Constructing an investor sentiment index based on cutting-edge machine learning approaches, especially BERT, for the Vietnam stock market on behalf of State Securities Commission of Vietnam in a project granted by the Ministry of Education and Training (24 months) (2023-2025). (No 1393/QĐ-BGDĐT 26th May, 2022) (350,000,000 VND ~ $18,500)