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As a forestry engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Forestry of Vietnam Forestry University in 2006. After Upon graduation, I worked for the Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS) since 2006. More than 16 years of experience. Experience, I manage and participate in implementing many projects aimed at solving sustainability challenges facing the forestry industry are facing issues related to sustainable forest management in Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia and Thailand Lan, Laos and Vietnam. My primary job is to increase forest owners’ understanding and awareness of impact of site conditions, silviculture techniques, nutrient and water cycles, seed sources and pests and diseases affecting productivity planted forests, especially short-rotation forests of Acacia and Eucalyptus.

In addition, I incorporate silviculture knowledge into the growers’ decision support system to improve their plantation management plans, Not only can higher productivity and sustainability be achieved, but pre-collection income can also be improved harvest by intercropping other types of plants in the forest such as agricultural plants, medicinal plants, etc. In addition, I am working closely with other silvicultural experts from the CSIRO network in Australia who have long experience years in supporting sustainable short-term acacia plantations in Southeast Asian countries including Vietnam, to develop a silvicultural system to produce sawn timber from Acacia and Eucalyptus trees.

This helps produce valuable wood high to serve the increasing needs of the wood processing industry, while increasing income for forest growers. I also participate in many projects on forest valuation, and assessing the carbon sequestration potential of planted forest types and natural forests in Vietnam as well as policies on payment for forest environmental services. I also participate a lot Pilot project to grant sustainable forest management certificates to companies and household groups in Yen Bai and Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Binh Phuoc, including FSC and VFCS/PEFC FM forest certification and COC and is currently working as a VFCS/PEFC/FSC-FM/COC forest certification expert for the GFA organization of Germany and the British Soil Association. Therefore, I can combine both silvicultural knowledge and forest certification to advise manufacturers towards meeting sustainability requirements and FSC, PEFC certification to export conditions to foreign markets.


  • BS in Bachelor of Silviculture (2006), Vietnam National Forestry University
  • MS in Silviculture (2010), Vietnam National Forestry University and Shizuoka University.

  • Doctor of philosophy (PhD) (Silviculture), University of Tasmania



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