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Nguyen Minh Dung


Dung Minh Nguyen (Danny) is an Assistant Professor in the College of Management at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan). He joined the College of Management as a faculty in August 2023. He completed his PhD at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology fully funded under the PhD fellowship program. Before starting his PhD program, Danny had 3-year working experience at Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Viet Nam (Sai Gon branch).

Danny is passionate about service marketing, consumer behavior, and sustainable development, particularly in the hospitality and tourism sector. He is currently pursuing several ongoing research projects regarding sustainable and green initiative in the context of hotel and restaurant. Danny’s work has been published in good-quality international journals such as Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, The Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Science Advances, among others.


9/2019 – 5/2023

National Kaohsiung of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Ph.D. of ManagementDissertation: The role of corporate social responsibility authenticity in boosting customer citizenship behavior: evidence from hospitality industry.
Advisor: Yen-Ting Chiu, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

9/2015 – 12/2017 Banking University of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Master of Business Administration
Advisor: Dat Van Tran, Ph.D., Associate Professor

9/2011 – 6/2015

Banking University of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Bachelor of Business Administration


 Consumer behavior
 Sustainable development
 Internet marketing
 Service marketing


1. Tran, D. V., Nguyen, D. M., Nguyen, T. (2024). Fostering green customer citizenship behavioral
intentions thro

2. Nguyen, T. & Nguyen, D. M. (2023). What will make Generation Y and Generation Z to continue to use
online food delivery services: a uses and gratifications theory perspective, Journal of Hospitality Marketing
and Management.

3. Nguyen, D. M. & Chiu, Y. T. H. (2023). Corporate social responsibility authenticity as an antecedent to
customer citizenship behavior: evidence from hospitality industry in Taiwan, Journal of Hospitality
Marketing and Management, 32(4), 477-504.

4. Chiu, Y. T. H., Nguyen, D. M., & Hofer, K. M. (2023). Self-recovery after self-service technology
failures: do motivations and self-efficacy matter?. International Journal of Retail & Distribution
Management, 51(9/10), 1195-1212.

5. Nguyen, T., Echo, H., & Nguyen, D. M. (2023). Food delivery app continuance: a dual model and
segmentation approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 51(5), 569-589.

6. Chiu, Y. T. H., & Nguyen, D. M. (2022). Service failure and self-recovery in tech-based services: self-
determination theory perspective. The Service Industries Journal, 42(13-14), 1075-1100.

7. Nguyen, D. M., Chiu, Y. T. H., Vu, H. Q., & Nguyen, T. (2022). Toward a unified theory of technology
continuance: Effects of conscious versus unconscious factors. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(5), 1219-

8. Van Tran, D., Nguyen, T., & Nguyen, D. M. (2022). Understanding how upward social comparison
stimulates impulse buying on image-sharing social commerce platforms: A moderated mediation model of
benign envy and self-esteem. Current Psychology.

9. Nguyen, D. M., Chiu, Y. T. H., & Le, H. D. (2021). Determinants of continuance intention towards banks’
chatbot services in Vietnam: A necessity for sustainable development. Sustainability, 13(14), 7625.