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Phạm Tấn Nhật


TS Phạm Tấn Nhật, hiện đang công tác tại Khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh, trường ĐH Quốc tế (ĐHQG-HCM), là một trong những người giành giải Ba, Giải thưởng Khoa học và Công nghệ cho giảng viên trẻ trong cơ sở giáo dục đại học năm 2021, với đề tài về Quản trị nhân sự thân thiện với môi trường (Greening the hospitality industry: How do green human resource management practices influence organizational citizenship behavior in hotels? A mixed-methods study).

TS Phạm Tấn Nhật đã có 22 bài báo đăng trên các tạp chí quốc tế uy tín trong cơ sở dữ liệu Scopus và ISI, trong đó 15 bài trên tạp chí xếp hạng Q1 và 7 bài trên tạp chí xếp hạng Q2. Đặc biệt, trong số đó có 05 bài báo trên tạp chí xếp hạng A* (của ABDC – Úc) và 01 bài báo trên tạp chí xếp hạng 4* (của ABS – Anh Quốc). ABDC và ABS là 02 bảng xếp hạng các tạp chí khoa học uy tín và phổ biến nhất trong lĩnh vực kinh tế nói chung. TS Phạm Tấn Nhật đã và đang tham gia các dự án của NAFOSTED, ĐHQG-HCM, Sở Du Lịch TP Hồ Chí Minh, Trường Đại học Quốc Tế.


Được cấp bằng ĐH ngày 09 tháng 07 năm 2010;  ngành: Hệ Thống Thông Tin Kinh Tế, chuyên ngành: Thống kê kinh doanh; Nơi cấp bằng ĐH (trường, nước): Đại Học Kinh Tế Tp.HCM

– Được cấp bằng ThS ngày 16 tháng 09 năm 2014; ngành: Quản Trị Kinh Doanh; chuyên ngành: Quản Trị Kinh Doanh; Nơi cấp bằng ThS (trường, nước): Đại Học Kinh Tế Tp.HCM

– Được cấp bằng TS ngày 12 tháng 12 năm 2019;  ngành: Kinh Tế và Quản Trị; chuyên ngành: Quản trị; Nơi cấp bằng TS (trường, nước): Đại Học Tomas Bata, Cộng Hòa Séc.


Greening the hospitality industry: How do green human resource management practices influence organizational citizenship behavior in hotels? A mixed-methods study
NT Pham, Z Tučková, CJC Jabbour
Tourism Management 72, 386-399
The role of green human resource management in driving hotel’s environmental performance: Interaction and mediation analysis
NT Pham, TV Thanh, Z Tučková, VTN Thuy
International Journal of Hospitality Management 88, 102392
Green human resource management: A comprehensive review and future research agenda
NT Pham, H Hoang, QPT Phan
International Journal of Manpower
Greening human resource management and employee commitment toward the environment: An interaction model
NT Pham, Z Tučková, QPT Phan
Journal of Business Economics and Management 20 (3), 446-465
Enhancing the organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: the roles of green training and organizational culture
NT Pham, QPT Phan, Z Tučková, N Vo, LHL Nguyen
Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society 13 (4), 1174-1189
Hesitancy in COVID-19 vaccine uptake and its associated factors among the general adult population: a cross-sectional study in six Southeast Asian countries
RR Marzo, W Sami, M Alam, S Acharya, K Jermsittiparsert, …
Tropical Medicine and Health 50 (1), 1-10
Perceived COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, acceptance, and drivers of vaccination decision-making among the general adult population: A global survey of 20 countries
RR Marzo, A Ahmad, MS Islam, MY Essar, P Heidler, I King, …
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 16 (1), e0010103
Being ignored at work: Understanding how and when spiritual leadership curbs workplace ostracism in the hospitality industry
M Ali, M Usman, NT Pham, P Agyemang-Mintah, N Akhtar
International Journal of Hospitality Management
Managing environmental challenges: Training as a solution to improve employee green performance
NT Pham, T Vo-Thanh, M Shahbaz, TLD Huynh, M Usman
Journal of Environmental Management 269, 110781
A Positive Human Health Perspective on How Spiritual Leadership Weaves its Influence on Employee Safety Performance: The Role of Harmonious Safety Passion
M Ali, S Aziz, TN Pham, M Babalola, M Usman
Safety Science 131
Greening hotels: Does motivating hotel employees promote in-role green performance? The role of culture
NT Pham, CJC Jabbour, T Vo-Thanh, TDL Huynh, C Santos
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Indicators for TQM 4.0 model: Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis
TAV Nguyen, D Tucek, NT Pham
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 34 (1-2), 220-234
How to drive brand engagement and EWOM intention in social commerce: A competitive strategy for the emerging market
Q Phan, TN Pham, LHL Nguyen
Journal of Competitiveness
Guest online review: an extraordinary focus on hotel users’ satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty
NT Vo, VV Hung, Z Tuckova, NT Pham, LHL Nguyen
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 23 (4), 913-944
The role of ethical leadership in enhancing exploitative and explorative learning simultaneously: what does it matter if employees view work as central?
M Ali, YE Qu, S Shafique, NT Pham, M Usman
Personnel Review
Common good human resource management, ethical employee behaviors, and organizational citizenship behaviors toward the individual
NT Pham, CJC Jabbour, V Pereira, M Usman, M Ali, T Vo-Thanh
Human Resource Management Journal
Career satisfaction antecedents of professional accounting returnees in international workplaces: An employee experience perspective
TTN Ho, TH Hoang, PS SEET, J Jones, NT Pham
Employee Relations
Green human resource management in enhancing employee environmental commitment in the hotel industry
NT Pham, Z Tučková, HV Viet
2nd International Conference on Tourism Research, 396
How does training boost employees’ intention to implement environmental activities? An empirical study in Vietnam
NT Pham, CJC Jabbour, M Usman, M Ali, HL Phan
International Journal of Manpower 43 (8), 1761-1782
Improving tourists’ green electronic word-of-mouth: a mediation and moderation analysis
LV Huy, QPT Phan, HL Phan, NT Pham, N Nguyen
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 27 (5), 547-561
Socially responsible human resources management and employee retention: The roles of shared value, relationship satisfaction, and servant leadership
NT Pham, TH Tuan, TD Le, PND Nguyen, M Usman, GTC Ferreira
Journal of Cleaner Production 414, 137704
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
M Vlasceanu, KC Doell, JB Bak-Coleman, B Todorova, …
Science Advances 10 (6), eadj5778
Green Human Resource Management in Hotels in Developing Countries: A Practices-and Benefits-Related Conceptual Framework
NT Pham, T Vo-Thanh, Z Tučková
Environmental Sustainability in Emerging Markets: Consumer, Organisation and …
Green human resource management practices in the hospitality sector
TN Pham, Z Tučková
Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism Research, ICTR 2018
Entrepreneurial leadership fostering service innovation in the hospitality firms: the roles of knowledge acquisition, market-sensing capability and competitive intensity
G Hoang, TT Luu, TT Nguyen, TTT Tang, NT Pham
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Why human resource management should go green in hotels: Internal benefit perspective
NT Pham, N Vo, LHL Nguyen, HM Nguyen
Proceedings of the 12th international management conference: Management …
Improving employee outcomes in the remote working context: a time‐lagged study on digital‐oriented training, work‐to‐family conflict and empowering leadership
NT Pham, TH Tuan, VTN Thuy, HT Hoang, G Hoang
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 61 (4), 1008-1038
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Product Innovation in Construction SMEs
GT Hoang, TT Luu, TT Nguyen, LP Le, NT Pham
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 10361
Leader’s Envy and knowledge hiding in universities in Pakistan
M Ali, M Usman, TN Pham
15th Annual International Bata Conference for Ph. D. Students and Young …
Internal CSR and work-family facilitation: A dual mechanism of organizational citizenship behaviors and moderating role of emotional intelligence
SC Liu, TT Luu, NT Pham, AD Tang
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 58, 394-408
Green Transformational Leadership, Green Human Resource Management, Big Five Personality Traits, and Hotel Employees’ Green Behavior in Vietnam
HT Hoang, NTT Ho, NT Pham
Green Human Resource Management: A View from Global South Countries, 197-211
Why and When Green Human Resource Management Fuels Employee Green Intrapreneurial Behavior
M Ali, S Aziz Choudhary, M Babalola, NT Pham, C Ogbonnaya
Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 15895